Senin, 29 November 2010

Agenda of Science and Technology Departement (December 2010)


Jum'at, 10 desember 2010 (15.30 - 16.30/ @ sekretariat IAAS) : Information and Technology Class
Tema : Pengenalan Corel XV secara umum, pembuatan pamflet with Mr. Wahyu (ALHAMDULILLAH SUKSES, yang hadir 8 orang)

Sabtu, 11 desember 2010 (07.30 - 09.00/ @sekretariat IAAS) : English Club
Tema : Introduction, How to learn english well, Speaking with Miss. Elis and Miss. Winda (ALHAMDULILLAH LUMAYAN, yang hadir 6 orang)


Sabtu, 18 desember 2010 : English Club

          - 06.30 : Kumpul di sekretariat IAAS
06.30 - 07.00 : Joging (sekitar UB)
07.00 - 08.30 : English Club (di depan lapangan rektorat UB) 
Tema : Reading, Speaking and Writing with Miss. Elis and Miss. Winda

08.30 - 09.00 : Agrocomplex News (di depan lapangan rektorat UB) 
Tema : Daily Nutrition (Fast Food vs Junk Food)
catatan : kostum sesuai kondisi (cz sebelum english club qt joging dl)

More information, contact us :
Arya : 085648659990
Elis : 081805345355
Dwi : 085646743447
Wahyu : 085231562747

1 komentar:

supercito mengatakan...

hi guys,, keep fighting for the glorious of STD... tumbuhkan semangat loyalitasmu wahai penduduk IAAS LC-UB. Cayoooooo!!!