Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Kampus Q

Dosen Food Science and Technology
Brawijaya University - Malang
(ada fotonya Bu Sari, *kangen beliau ^^)

Lapangan rektorat Universitas Brawijjaya

Upacara sambut mahasiswa baru

Diskusi di depan rektorat

Tim robot dari Fakultas Teknik

Kegiatan mahasiswa disenja hari

Ruang seminar

Pencarian referensi @Central Library

Central Library - Brawijaya University

Brawijaya in the night

Brawijaya icon (tugu Brawijaya)

Gazebo baru

Siang yang cerah
(depan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian)

Suasana sejuk dipagi hari
(hari minggu biasanya banyak orang joging)

Akreditasi Universitas Brawijaya : Alhamdulillah A
Akreditasi program study Food Science and Technology : Alhamdulillah A

Subhanallah, pilihanku memang tepat sasaran (pilihan pertama wkt SNMPTN)
Walaupun suasana kampus sangat nyaman (kecuali ruang belajar & laboratorium yang ada di FTP, masih standard) tetapi q tdk ingin berlama2 di sini cz bayarnya mahal dan ada beberapa kebijakan dr pusat yang kurang sesuai dngn q...

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Mbolang Kediri

Di rumah Arya (lengkap 6 orang; Arya with Iwan, Nela, Adi, Inti, Aniawati). . .
Time for makan2 mangga podang, dipuas2in yo rekkkkkkkkkkkkk

Kl ini lg d Kelud, berhubung hujan jadinya pake jas semua
Rempong amat motor q, padahal dh ganti motor tetep bae, hehe

Keadaan anak gunung kelud sekarang

Dan inilah manusia jubah, posisi di tangga sekitar kawah gunung kelud

Sok gaya ^^

Ending of the year, clasical moment at 00.30 - 1 January 2012 - "SLG" Kediri

Ending of the year...
Dengan Nela, Iwan, Adi, Inti, Aniawati (benernya dh ngajak tmn2 lain jg sh, tp kebanyakan dh ada acr sendiri2).

Route : Gunung Kelud (siang till sore) - Simpang Lima Gumul (tengah malam) - Nganjuk (siang; esok harinya)

KL ADA WKT ayo MAEN2 ke Kediri lg REK... Masi bnyk lo tempat wisata yg blm sempat qt kunjungi..

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

My Curriculum Vitae

Foto bwt CV asli : Sensor, takut disalahgunakan (cz terlalu bgs untuk dipublikasikan) - skali2 sombong gpp ^^.

Ini saja dh gantinya :

*Gk mungkin ketrima kerja kl di lamaran kerja melampirkan foto ini, hehe


Name : Arya Ulilalbab

Sex : Male

Age : 21 years old

Born : Nganjuk, 17 May 1990

Region : Indonesia

Marital status : Single

Weigh, High : 66 kg, 167 cm

Health : Good

Religion : Moslem

Address : Raung Street, Masjid No. 17 RT 06 RW 02 Banjarmlati - Mojoroto - Kediri - East Java - Indonesia

Mobile : 085 648 659 990

Email : aga_1705@yahoo.com

Education : Undergraduate Student at Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University periode 2008

Final Project : Sulit menterjemahkan dlm bahasa inggris, hehe (dilewati ae)


2001 – 2002 : Sukorame 3 State Elemantary School - Kediri City

2002 - 2005 : State Junior High School 4 - Kediri City

2005 - 2008 : State Islamic Senior High School 3 - Kediri City

2008 - 2011 : Brawijaya University - Malang


1. English Course at Able and Final - Pare - Kediri for 2 week

2. Computer and Internet Course (Ms. Office, Internet and Design Grafis) at Central Computer Brawijaya University

3. Cake and Bakery Training by Food Production and Training Center (FPTC) at 24-27 May 2010; Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University - Malang

4. Tractor Training by International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) at 25 September 2011 UPT PPTKLN Wonojati - Malang

5. Participant of IAAS Orientation Program XVI at 13 - 14 December 2008

6. Participant Nutrition Ceminar, the topic is “Stay Healthy with Balance Nutrition” at 7 November 2010 by Undergraduate Student Association of Health Nutrition Brawijaya University

7. Participant National Ceminar, the topic is Milk : Is it Safe for our Health? at Brawijaya University Malang

8. Participant Food Innovation Competition at 24 November 2010 Pelita Harapan University Jakarta

9. Ice Cream Training by Food Production and Training Center (FPTC) at 23 October 2008 Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University - Malang

10. Roasted Brownies Training by Food Production and Training Center (FPTC) at 3 January 2009 Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University - Malang


1. Chemical Competition Participant at 19 November 2006 by Undergraduate Students Association of Chemical Department at Airlangga University

2. Participant of Esai Competition for young 2006, the topic is Television is Safe for Children According to Me” by Indonesia Child Welfare Foundation

3. Participant in Australian National Chemistry Quiz 2007 by The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

4. Lab. Assistant Basic Biology at Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University - Malang 2010 (Biology Department laboratory)

5. Lab. Assistant Basic Biology at AgroIndustrial Technology Brawijaya University - Malang 2011 (Biology Department laboratory)

6. Lab. Assistant Nutrition and Food Evaluation Advance at Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University Malang 2011

7. The Winner in “Food Inovation Competition” at 24 - 26 November 2010 Pelita Harapan University - Jakarta

8. Qualify for founded by Dikti PKM-P (Undergraduate Student Creativity Program – Research) 2010. The title is “The Antioxidant Activity of Hibiscus sabdarifa’s Effervescent Tablet as Peroxidation Rate Inhibitor Supplement by In Vivo Experiment Test”


1. Food and Nutrition Analisys Capability

2. Characteristic of Food Physic, Chemical and Biological Analisys Capability

3. Indonesia and English Language Capability

4. Computer (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Corel Draw)

5. Internet (browsing, blogging, email, yahoo messanger)


1. PERS Journalist State Islamic Senior High School 3 Kediri City Periode 2006-2007

2. Committee GRAPISTHA by Undergraduate Student Association of Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University Periode 2009-2010

3. Staff Science and Technology Department – International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences Indonesia (IAAS) Local Committee Brawijaya University

4. Member of IAAS Indonesia Local Committee Brawijaya University 2008-2010

5. Coordinator Science and Technology Department IAAS Local Committee Brawijaya University 2010-2011

6. Staff of IMMPPG (Care about Food and Nutrition, Moslem Undergraduate Student Association) Islamic Association Faculty of Agricultural Technology Brawijaya University - Malang

7. Secretary of National Seminar “Be a Good Scientific Communication in English” at 20 December 2009 Brawijaya University Malang

8. Chief of Committee ofTractor Training” at 7 August 2010 - UPT PPTKLN Wonojati - Malang

9. Publication Staff in “the 53rd General Assembly of IAAS World Congress” 2010 in Malang Indonesia


Work Practices, the title isStandard of Special Menu and Halal Assurance System” at PT. Aerofood Aero Catering Service – Denpasar for 1 month start from 17 January 2011


Try, Pray and Trust Allah Who’ll Pay (Berusaha, Berdo’a dan Tawakal)


www.aryaulilalbab.blogspot.com (about me, sharing information and others)

www.nutritionandhalalfood.blogspot.com (my concentration, I like study about that)

www.arya-mart.blogspot.com (my business)

www.itp08ub.wordpress.com (food science and technology '08 brawijaya university)


1. http://www.facebook.com/groups/146614428717416/admins/?order=default

Admin group Thp.. be the 1 be the best !!

Group of Food Science and Technology Brawijaya University Periode 2008

*For share information about lecturer, news, activity, jokes, and others

2. http://www.facebook.com/groups/140267586021718/admins/?order=default

Admin group IAAS Indonesia LC-UB

Group of International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences Indonesia Local Committee Brawijaya University

*For share agricomplex news, publication, activity, scholarship, and others

3. http://www.facebook.com/groups/161250870574730/admins/?order=default

Admin group Food Science and Technology Community

Group of Food Science and Technology

*For share about agricomplex news especially about food information, food processing (video), scholarship, and others. Member from Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh

4. http://www.facebook.com/groups/179374668771814/admins/?order=default

Admin group Food Nutrition

Group of Food Nutrition

*For share about Food Nutrition and others

5. http://www.facebook.com/groups/205910189463442/admins/?order=default


*For share information. The members are my eks. friends that have graduated from Junior High School 4 - Kediri City

Kl cocok & tertarik, rekrutlah q :)